Hands-on consultation


Maybe you already have a professional team in place that will be taking care of your green project, but you could use a fresh and unique set of eyes? Jan is happy to visit your green space and share his advice on every step of the process. 

Jan actively addresses your possible concerns and helps you envision your green space many years in the future. His holistic approach on designing green spaces helps you see the bigger picture and the possible effects of your project on its environment and vice versa. Often, it will give you new insights into the space that will make your initial plan more ambitious, yet a lot easier to achieve and maintain. 

A healthy green space elevates its own soil life, wildlife, and surroundings. Before formulating our advice, we make sure to investigate the project’s native wildlife and to include refuges for them in your green space. From nesting areas for birds, to beehives and plenty of room for other animals and pollinators. (Bio)diversity, both above and below the soil, is always key. 

For a tree to do its job, it needs room to grow. And sadly, in our cities today, most trees don’t get that. Cities usually install green spaces to provide people with a beautiful and shady escape from the day’s heat. Yet they forget that it is not only the tree’s foliage that provides shade and therefore cools you down. A healthy soil that retains moisture also contributes heavily towards cooling down a city. Fortunately, there are techniques to ensure the tree’s roots have enough room to grow, without destroying the surrounding pavement. By applying these techniques, your soil will retain moisture better. This has become a priority due to the more frequent periods of drought. 

Aside from advising you on how to best curate your soil life, stimulate (bio)diversity and enhance your green space’s surroundings, we are also more than happy to give you guidance in selecting plants for your green space. Cities, towns, or landscape architects are often set on solely using local and native plants because they believe that is the only way to safeguard their green space’s longevity. Only, our cities have their own microclimate, which is often quite different from the native climate. So why not opt for plants that, given time, would naturally migrate to these urban areas? When advising on which plants to select for your green project, we always keep their influence on the local (bio)diversity and your initial situation in mind.